We firmly believe that a new car gives rise to excitement and happiness, the pleasure and enjoyment of driving increases, promoting the desire to travel, discover new destinations and activities.

A new vehicle identifies with the driver’s situation at that moment, his values and mobility needs, whilst adapting to his personality, status and sentiments; the choice of brand and model is based on his current reality.


The economic impact of the automobile sector and adjacent industries ranges between 9% and 12% of GDP in most producing countries, including Spain.

The sector is one of the largest investors in R&D, especially active in the development of alternative technologies with respect to the internal combustion engine.

In the financial sector, the importance of the automobile has great relevance, its implication at all levels of the production cycle is inherent. However, in this case we are focusing on financing the purchase of a vehicle, a profitable and lower-risk consumer credit agreement.


New vehicles are more environment-friendly, current technology permits reduction in pollution emissions to levels that were unthinkable just 10 years ago.

Technical developments at a manufacturer level result in lower fuel consumption and maintenance costs, offering a more efficient mileage cost to the user.

Technology has also advanced with respect to active and passive vehicle safety. Current safety systems have a considerable impact in reducing accidents and injuries.

If a car saves a life, all previous investment is of unmeasurable worth.


These advantages lead to our firm belief that reducing trade cycles to 3 or 4 years has extensive benefits for society, We aim to increase the pleasure of driving a new vehicle whilst maintaining the cost that the driver is assuming at present.

This promotes a reduction in the age of the global vehicle fleet , with consequent lower levels of harmful emissions and fuel consumption, accompanied by increased safety measures to protect lives. The contribution to greater economic activity is evident, allowing for continuous development in all relevant areas.

3 - 4

Years Trade Cycle


MILLER-INGRAM ASSOCIATES SL and its parent company, with the design, planning, adoption and effective execution of its corporate Criminal Compliance Management System (CPMS), perfectly adapted to its specific risks and activities, intend to take a further step in its commitment to continuous improvement in order to always meet the highest standards in terms of integrity, ethics, professionalism, social responsibility and good governance, and adopts, within the framework of the CPMS, the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Criminal Compliance Policy, as common standards of behavior required throughout the Organization and published.

This also leads to its commitment to zero tolerance regarding criminal risks, as well as their prevention, detection and early management in an effective manner.

MILLER-INGRAM thus shows its absolute opposition to anyone benefiting in any way from unethical behaviour, and even less so from behaviour that could constitute a criminal offence.

Within this framework, the SGCP aims to promote a corporate culture of ethics and integrity, strengthen the Organization's compliance system, and establish a system of prevention, detection and response to criminal risks that meets the requirements established in the Spanish Criminal Code and other applicable regulations.

In this way, the MILLER-INGRAM SGCP is an effective mechanism capable of helping all Members of the Organization, its Business Partners (clients, suppliers, collaborators, advisors, etc.), and other interested parties related to MILLER-INGRAM, in the prevention of criminal risks, providing a mechanism capable of identifying and, where appropriate, reporting criminally punishable conduct and procedures that may occur in the exercise of social activities.